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Self expression

Posted on Thu Mar 5th, 2020 @ 9:18am by Lieutenant Commander Larim Myles
Edited on on Thu Mar 5th, 2020 @ 9:51am

679 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Episode 9 - Empok's End
Location: Security Office - Deck 9 - USS Pioneer
Timeline: MD001 1600 hrs

Tallida was really starting to hate her position. She hated sitting in an office all day having people hate being there. She was supposed to be making sure that everyone was emotionally and psychology fit to continue to serve this ship. She needed a change of pace and a change in tactic. That is why her next meeting with the Security Chief. Despite running late, she was set up in the holodeck, around her were easels, canvases, and paints.

Larim was sitting at his security desk, about ready to rip his hair out from boredom. That is until he received a summons on his desk console. It definitely piqued his interest. He shrugged and secured his office

After a little bit he entered holodeck 2. And he was surprised to see paint and art supplies. "Hello?" He said

"Commander," Tallida replied as she rose from her chair and moved around the items that were between them. "Thank you for joining me." She motioned towards the other chair and easel. "I thought I would try something a little different today." she gave him another smile. She was trying to take Neil's words to heart and just be herself.

"Sounds good to me." Larim grinned. "And call me Larim by the way."

"Please, Sir, eh, Larim," She replied with a smile. "Take a seat." She moved to retake her seat. "Have you ever painted before?"

"Do art classes at the academy count?"" He asked

"Sure," The peppy angosian replied. "Did you enjoy it? the painting?"

"Actually, I did." Larim said, taking a seat at the other easel. "Got more out of it than I thought I would."

Tallida smiled. "I can imagine." She picked up a pallet and began mixing paints. "The last time I painted was during my certification courses for psychology." She grinned over at the other man. "So, what kind of things did you paint previously?" she asked as she began to paint.

"Well. My first endeavor was an attempt at an excelsior class which ended...poorly. This was in grade school. Mainly because my dad was on one during the Dominion war." He began. He offered a grin

She grinned, it was working. "Have you ever thought to try again?" She offered.

"You know, I haven't really thought about it. But sure." Larim said

Tallida used her brush to point towards his canvas with a smile. "No time like the present." She grinned before she began putting paint on her pallet.

"Excellent point." Larim said as he put a red stripe on the canvas.

The pair painted in silence for a moment. Tallida didn't want to push her luck with the fact that he hadn't turned down her idea and excited the room.

Larim trailed off as he tried to paint a face. "You know hes the reason I applied for the academy?"

"Who?" she asked as her mind losing track of the conversation for a moment. "Oh, your father." she replied with a smile. "What does he think of that?"

"At first a little hesitant. Being in the war and everything. But eventually he came round. Good thing too. Because if he didn't I'd have never met my wife. " Larim replied.

"Sounds like everything is working out?" she asked as she continued to paint.

"Seems to be." He smiled, finishing a misshapen saucer section.

Tallida's hands moved of their own accord as she watched the other officer as he painted. There was something always telling about how a person approached the images in their head.

"That looks awesome over there. Wish mine looked that good. " Larim said.

This continued for a while, well into the afternoon. The two officers learned a lot from each others painting. Tallida for the first time began to get a feel for the crew of the Pioneer.

A Joint Post By

Lieutenant Commander Larim Myles
Chief Security/Tactical Officer, USS Pioneer

Lieutenant Tallida Ovaa
Chief Counselor, USS Pioneer


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