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House Calls

Posted on Mon Jan 15th, 2018 @ 12:20pm by
Edited on on Thu May 31st, 2018 @ 9:52pm

1,548 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Episode 2 - The Enemy Within
Location: Deck 2 Cabin 28 - T'Rish's Quarters
Timeline: MD002 2000 hrs
Tags: SD 71373.2000

Richard glanced up nervously at the name plate that designated who's quarters was behind the door. He raised his hand and traced the braille dots then breathed a sigh of relief when he realized his memory had served him well. Typically he would have used a PaDD for directions though he didn't want to look so needy for technology to lead the way. He drew in a breath and let a faint smile cross his face as he pressed the door chime to Ensign T'Rish's quarters and awaited her response.

T'Rish was seated with her legs cross in front of her. Her hand were resting palm up on her knees with her eyes closed. A small candle sat in front of her, the flame flickering around slightly. Her quarters were dark but warm. She heard the chime and easily focused on the person beyond it. "Please enter, Doctor." She called keeping her eyes closed and her focus on her meditation.

The door slid open and Richard entered smiling as he watched the woman. The door closed behind him and he still said nothing for a few moments, "You know an open flame on a ship can be a hazard," he finally teased.

Despite herself the corner's of the Vulcan's lips tugged upward. "As with all Vulcans..." She started keeping her meditative position including he eyes closed. "I have dispensation from Stafleet to have my meditation lamp on the ship." She opened one eye looking over the man she had grown quite attached too before letting out a breath and unfolding her legs. "Is there something I can do for you?" she asked easily turning her full attention to the Doctor.

Richard swallowed hard trying to hold back his attraction, "I came to find out what your decision is regarding treatment." He looked down for a moment, "Our commanding officer didn't take the word well when I reported you could be going into Ponfarr though, I think that situation is taken care of."

"I appreciate your due diligence with the Commander." The Vulcan hybrid started. Like most Vulcans, she would rather keep this particular issue to as few people at possible. Despite this, she knew that the Commanding Officer of her ship had the right to know one of his officer may be incapacitated in the near future. "I have not made up my mind." She answered honestly. "Granted, I don't believe I truly have that many options." She continued. "I have no mate, no arranged marriage, I find the idea of a hologram reprehensible, and while drugs and meditation can delay the madness they cannot truly cure it...I honestly don't know what I am going to do." She wouldn't or couldn't admit that after finding out her Betazoid heritage she had hoped this day would never come.

"There is another possibility," Richard said nodding with understanding, "T'Rish, you have not been on this ship very long so I am thinking there might be an outside source that is causing you to have symptoms of Pon farr and not actually be experiencing a real one."

T'Rish raised her brow questioningly at the Doctor. "I fail to see how that is a logical conclusion given my age and heritage." She replied moving to a standing position and moving to the replicator. "Would you like anything?" She asked as she got herself a cup of tea.

The physician drew in a deep breath and looked down for a moment before returning his gaze in the candlelight to T'Rish, "I am not positive yet but I think I may be causing this. You see I have unique pheromones that may be interacting with you in a negative way."

T'Rish stood with her fingers wrapped around the cup of tea for a moment longer before she moved to the couch located directly behind where she had been meditating. She patted on the seat next to her inviting Richard to sit. "Please sit, Richard." She responded before taking a sit. "I read that Azzian's produce a pheromone but Federation Doctor's believe that they have no affect on other species." She set the cup down on the table. "Assuming that hypothesis is true or mostly true, what would be unique about me to cause this reaction?" She asked and pondered.

Richard nodded and moved to take the offered seat and drew in a deep breath, "because I produce more than most the average Azzian and the decision made by the Federation was based primarily on the Azzian Board of Heath which has had little contact with any species to base their conclusion on." He tilted his head and began again, "as for why you were vulnerable I believe is because you are a hybrid."

The Vulcan Hybrid looked over the Doctor for a moment. She could sense that he felt responsible for this and she didn't know what to say to make him feel better. She reached out and took his hand hers. "Let's assume your theory is correct." She paused. "It is illogical to conclude that you have any fault in my condition." It didn't come out the way she had hoped, it was awkward in an endearing sort of way.

"It is illogical, though as a physician I am not to cause harm to others and there is my history that makes me more prone to blame myself."

"Even if your hypothesis is correct." She started, she used her hand to brush his cheek to draw his attention to her. "I could never blame you..." She wanted to kiss him, she always wanted to kiss him when he was around. The logical assumption was that her attraction to him was due to the pon farr type ailment but that is now what she thought. She could sense that now would not be the time to press him for physical contact past what she had initialed. He truly blamed himself for her condition. "...this was not your intent nor do I believe your fault. I have to admit, it would be a relief to not have to chose a mate when there is only one person I want." She admitted looking back down at the lamp burning on the floor.

Richard didn't protest the woman's affection but he certainly wasn't feeling it was deserved, "I, I know this isn't my fault." He drew in a breath and tried to smile, "but whatever the cause I need to find a solution and if it is my pheromones than it needs to be addressed." With another deep breath he added, "T'Rish I, I'm going to ask Commander Montgomery if she will take your case. I, I don't want to aggravate the situation by continuing to expose you."

T'Rish cleared her throat and closed her eyes for a moment. In her practiced manner she pressed down all that she was feeling into a little box within herself. She let out a metered breath as she brought her hands back into her own lap and shift away from Richard slightly. "Perhaps that is the most logical course of action." She replied stoically. "I have grown accustomed to our time together, but perhaps that too shall be postponed until this matter is resolved." She finished with a passive unfeeling look on her face. It took more concentration, but she was able to return to her emotionless state with ease.

"I'm afraid it needs to be," Richard offered as he stood to his feet, "I, I still want... " he paused and swallowed hard back words that were probably better left unsaid, "I will contact you when I have more information."

The stoic look on the Hybrid's face remained unchanged as she rose to escort her guest to the door. "I would appreciate that, Doctor." She paused just to the side of the door before adding. "Please let me know if you need anything from me to assist you in this....puzzle."

The man turned to the blonde woman and nodded but did his best to avoid her eyes, "I, I know it's for the best but..." Richard stepped towards the doorway and it opened allowing him to escape.

T'Rish was barely able to hold it together until the doors closed behind the Doctor. She let out a shaky breath as her hand pressed against her abdomen to steady herself. She moved back to her meditation mat and sank back where she had been before Richard had arrived. She closed her eyes and did her best to focus. All she could see in her minds eye was the look on his face and the hurt he felt as he left. Taking a deep breath she focused to suppress everything she was feeling as a single tear slid down her cheek.

Richard pressed his lips and closed his eyes holding back his own emotions. He drew in a deep breath and opened his eyes again, "for the best." The words were muttered under his breath as if trying to convince himself.

A Joint Post By:

Lieutenant Richard Ballston M.D. PsyD
Chief Medical Officer, USS Pioneer

Ensign T'Rish
Chief of Operations, USS Pioneer


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