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Being Thorough

Posted on Tue Nov 12th, 2019 @ 2:54pm by Major Cornelius Tremble
Edited on on Wed Nov 13th, 2019 @ 3:01am

1,647 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Episode 8 - The Silence
Location: Executive Officers Office - Deck 2 - USS Pioneer
Timeline: MD003 1700 hrs

Neil paced toward the Exec's office, steeling himself for the meeting. He and Quinn didn't really know each other that well, given everything and now the Marine was going to interview him over his role in the Wakefield matter.

"Well, as the man said," he murmured to himself as he entered the door's and his contact tripped it, "Nothing like making friends."

After the door chimed, he said louder "Captain Tremble to see you, sir."

Quinn had been going over after actions reports, when he heard the doorbell chimed. Before he could ask who it was, he heard the voice of Captain Tremble. "Enter." Quinn called out, in a loud voice. He put down his pad, to give Captain Tremble, his undivided attention.

Neil entered, removing his cover and sliding it into the front of his uniform tunic before taking a seat across from the Commander. "As you've likely been messaged, I've been tasked with a JAGMAN investigation into the Wakefield matter." Neil leaned back, meeting Quinn's eyes and said, "So, I get to interview those who took part in the Courts Martial and ensure that it's not an indicator of something else wrong in the ship. From what I've been able to filter down, someone has a bit of a hate on for the Pioneer and her Captain right now."

"Please have a seat Captain. And of course, you will have the full cooperation of myself and Captain Malbrooke. How can I be of service?" Quinn asked Neil. He really hated these JAG style investigation. But they were a necessary evil. He wondered what more information did they want? They had the transcripts from the court proceedings.

"I've read the summary and watched the proceedings," Neil began."What wasn't a part of the proceedings so much is where do you think the whole thing broke down?"

"That would a better question suited for Ensign Wakefield to answer. The ensign was given her orders to began command level assessment testing. I don't speculate on motive or reasoning for what Ensign Wakefield did." Quinn told him. He was not going to speculate on why Dana, did what she did. He was not going to speculate, why she felt the need to assault his wife. The courts handled that mattered. He knew Neil needed a better answer than that. "The process broke down, when the scope of the assessment exceeded the boundaries of the testing. As to motive or reasoning, I would suggest speaking to Ensign Wakefield."

Neil kept his eyes on Quinn and listened to the words, then said, "So what you're saying is that Ensign Wakefield, ordered by you and the Captain, was given orders to begin assessment testing and it fell apart when she exceeded the guidelines. In your conversation with her, laying out the nature of the testing, what were your orders there? What were the parameters?"

"Standard perimeters, standard orders. They were the same orders, we gave to you, and the rest of the senior staff. If you want a copy of the logs, from my office, here. I can make those available. They were provided at the court martial as evidence." Quinn told him, wondering where he was going with this line of questioning.

Neil held up a hand, stating"I have the logs provided for the the trial, so those will be fine. But I'm trying to get caught up on the fly here, so bear with me. During one on one briefings with Ensign Wakefield, you didn't see any sign of her stressors. There were some remarks about odd behavior here and there and others have said she seemed off."

"That is correct, when she reported my ready room, she was calm and collected. I did not see any stressors." Quinn said in a calm and collected voice. "This was not the first time, I have ordered a department to conduct this test. All verbale and physical indicators coming from Miss Wakefield, appeared to be normal."

Neil made a note on his PADD and said, "Moving beyond that, she had a confrontation with Lieutenant O'FLannagain prior to the fight. Something about a confrontation on the bridge I think it was? Did you speak to her after that?"

Quinn looked to Neil, he was being very through. He appreciated that fact about marines. "No, I did not. Per protocol, she would have been referred to Captain Malbrooke at that point. I wanted to remain neutral, because she went beyond the scope of my orders." Quinn said.

Neil nodded at that, responding a few beats later with "Aye. Nepotism was a word being bandied about by the JAG Commander I talked to. Reading between the lines, said Commander would have liked to make a comment about the pot calling the kettle black in all this, but couldn't. Not on an open channel."

"Not like JAG officers, to make personal comments. This situation, I suppose ruffled a few feathers." Quinn said, making sure, not to say anything, he did not want on the public record. He waited for Neil's next question.

The marines head tilted slightly to the side at the Commander's comments and he smiled wryly as he said, "This particular JAG and I have had words a couple of times before so I think he felt able to let his personal opinions to shine through a bit." "Back to your comment, you say you wanted to remain neutral because she went beyond the scope of your orders. You're saying because of the family element, you removed yourself from dealing with a troubled officer leaving it to the Captain. And another question: Was Lieutenant O'Flannagain aware of the testing being done?

"You are intermixing all of that into one jumbled question. Lets break that down, Captain." Quinn started to say, as he took a sip of coffee. That was sitting on his desk. "First, I never said I remained neutral because she went beyond the scope of the my orders, and I never said it was because of my ties to Ameri, through marriage. I remained neutral because I was the one that gave her the orders, when she went above the scope. I had no chose but to recuse myself, and become neutral allowing the command team and Security a chance to investigate this. And to answer the last part of that question, no Ameri did not know. As is standard operating procedures, for a command assessment testing for department head."

Neil let a humorous smile cross his face and he met the exec's eyes. "That's why I asked the questions. To clarify your viewpoint on the affair. But you're executive officer of the Pioneer so everything flows through your office. Even though you let departments and officers do their jobs."

He sighed then and shook his head.

"I understand you have to do this, and I am not annoyed or frustrated with you. Just at the process Captain." Quinn told him, hoping he was not taking this personally.

"I never take anything personally, Commander," Neil chuckled. "However, as much as they're looking at the Captain, I'm afraid they're going to use you as a catalyst."

"Did the XO check in on progress. Why didn't he see a change in his Department head. According to medical, she went in and complained of trouble sleeping and was given something for that. My next stop is medical, but officer fitness falls in your lap too. So this is a whole giant mess that someone want's to keep the stink up on. And it's going to get on all of us."

"That is a far stretch, we have all had sleepless nights. She was medically cleared, according to the good doctors of this ship, and Wakefield, never expressed concerns that would make me question her fitness." Quinn said, feeling that Neil was reaching a bit on that response.

"She didn't express them. No one saw a thing," Neil replied, his tone dry. "Sounds about what was documented. I think I have about everything I need from you Commander. Thank you for making the time for this."

The Marine stood then asked, "Unless you have anything for me, sir. I'll take my leave."

"I have one thing before you go, Captain. When you complete this assignment. I have an assignment for you. A rapid ocs officers course for you to complete." Quinn told him, curious to see how he was going to react. Tyler had been asking Quinn to complete the training on Neil, but with the Dana issue, it got put on the back burner.

Neil turned and nodded. "Aye aye, Commander. I've been sort of expecting that. Company grade or even Field grade Marine Officer training is not the same as Fleet bridge officer training. Anytime you need me to start, I'll be ready sir."

"Report back to me, when you have completed this assignment." Quinn told him. He was not sure how much longer, Neil needed to complete his report. So they could put this behind them.

"Yes sir," Neil responded, not letting anything show as he turned and exited. Four meters from the XO's door though, he murmured, "If it isn't one thing, it's another." A passing crewman glanced at him and the Marine didn't say anything further, merely nodding.

Quinn felt a little tension, but that was to be expected. He was not sure, what Neil was hoping to achieve, by the interview. But he had to know, that he was only going to get the text book answers. But this did allow him a chance, to get Neil back, to complete his OCS training.

A Joint Post By:

Commander Quinn Ó Flannagáin
Executive Officer, USS Pioneer

Captain Cornelius Tremble
Marine Commanding Officer/Second Officer, USS Pioneer


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