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Following-Up with the Marine

Posted on Sat Apr 22nd, 2023 @ 5:27pm by Captain Edmund Merrick & Lieutenant Junior Grade Zhara Rynn & Sophia
Edited on on Mon Apr 24th, 2023 @ 10:35pm

0 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Episode 14 - The Poseidon Adventure
Location: Counseling Office - Deck 5 - USS Pioneer
Timeline: MD003 0900 hrs

Zhara read the reports from the away teams and the various challenges they faced. Most of them would need some guidance dealing with everything that happened. She, like the other counselors, made themselves avail read the reports from the away teams and the various challenges they fable as needed, but there was one person she especially wanted to see.

She gave Captain Merrick enough time to get back and take care of his reports before requesting that he visit her at his earliest convenience.

Paperwork, the necessary bane of people's existence it had to be done. Edmund rubbed his eyes, than stretched to loosen up his muscles. The blinking on his Padd gave him pause, realizing he had a message. It was from Zhara, the counselor he had seen before. It wouldn't be prudent to ignore her call, and so Merrick rose from behind his desk, and headed towards the counseling offices.

The door to the office where Zhara was waiting, opened. Merrick stood by the door for a moment before he entered completely in. "Hello Counselor." he spoke and stepped inside. "You requested my presence?"

"Yes. If you have some time, I'd like to hear about the mission." She indicated a PADD on her desk. "I've read the reports, but they rarely cover everything."

"Both parts of the mission or the one part where we were dealing with a mind flayer?" he gave a bit of a shudder, feeling goosebumps race all over his body as a sudden chill descended upon him. Edmund moved to a chair and took a seat. "What would you like to know?"

Sophia, sensing his reaction, came and sat down by his feet.

"What would you like to tell me?" Zhara countered. "What stood out to you and why?" She had nothing specific she was looking for, but she was concerned with how he was dealing with both the...mind flayer did he call it...and the recovery of the scientists.

"It is in the report, though nothing from a personal stand point. It was horrifying seeing those poor people being under the influence of a puppet master, and the ever, cloying darkness of the mind being played with, I even saw my dead wife there, she left though. I felt like I had a small chance of redemption, not allowing someone to be left behind in that engineering room." Edmund actually smiled as his mind went over the events.

"Rowena, she collapsed, I hadn't noticed at first but I ended up noticing and got her out of there. I actually feel better, knowing that a tragedy didn't occur in an engineering room with someone dying there." there was definitely a slight sparkle in his eyes, as Merrick remembered.

"That's wonderful." Zhara smiled, pleased that he had something so positive come out of the experience. "In addition to getting everyone out, it's a huge step forward for you. Well done. What else would you like to share?" She hoped this would also lead to a cessation of his nightmares.

"Well, after the two parts of the mission were done and we got back to the ship, I slept deeply. Honestly, I was exhausted much like the others were, I don't recall if I dreamed or not. I just remember getting back, grabbing a quick bite to eat, having a shower and once my head hit the pillow, I was out for the count. I feel rested for the most part."

Zhara nodded. "That should be a good thing. I'm glad you were able to get some sleep. That can help a lot of things. Overall, how do you feel the mission went?"

"A lot of damage was done to quite a few of our crewmates. I can see it in their faces, the body language. No one could really escape what we had seen, it will be stuck in our minds for a long while. It was sort of successful, not a complete success. And we have a little bit of a ways to go for any sort of healing. What went on with my team can't compare to what happened to the others who had been captured. It was brutal what they went through." Merrick reaching out and made contact with Sophia. "I just hope that they will be able to find a way to cope with what happened and to heal."

"So, I understand. That's one of the reasons I wanted to talk to you--to make sure you're coping. Someone from the department will be reaching out to everyone on the two teams. I won't pretend to know what it was like, but I can always listen and help with healing." She smiled at the poodle. "And so can Sophia." Her gaze went back to Edmund. "Is there anything I can do to help you?" He seemed to be doing okay, but she wasn't going to take anything for granted. He was a good man, and he deserved to be happy.

"Well one thing I hadn't mentioned was that I saw my wife while we were in that underwater research center, I think that is what it was. It was chilling. I had visions of those that had been lost, calling for me to join them but, maybe the sight of my dead wife it did the opposite. Kind of strange right? It instead initiated a different reaction. Made me damned determined to get us out or stop it somehow."

Zhara watched him for a long moment, tentatively feeling the emotions in the room like a harpist feels the strings to gauge if the sound was true. She glanced at Sophia who still sat on Edmund's feet, then back at the Marine, smiling softly. "There are some who believe that death is not the end of existence. That sometimes our loved ones help us when we have the greatest need. Those who do not believe in an afterlife say that it's our deepest self giving us courage when we need it most. Both have merit. Whatever your personal beliefs, I think it was a turning point. You and several others stood up to whatever creature inhabits that facility and you literally and figuratively put your demons behind you. You saved lives." She also wondered if it was, in some way, a sign that his wife wanted him to live, to move on. But that was a decision he would have to make when he was ready.

Merrick nodded, a definite change to his countenance. "And that is something I plan on hanging onto tightly. Always hang on to the victories be they small or large that a person can obtain in life." he stated. A final caress to the dog next to him. " I may end up getting myself a pet, maybe a cat." looking at Zhara, "probably will do rather nicely."

"Yes. I think both are excellent ideas." She smiled at Sophia. "Cats are wonderful for smaller spaces, and they require less maintenance. Dogs, however, are better for therapy or I'd probably have a cat, too."

"True, dogs do make good therapy animals, cats can as well but for personal one on one. That is if they decide to be cuddlers or not." Edmund giving a chuckle. He looked at Zhara, he was ready to get back to his prep for the upcoming shore leave. "Zhara, are you going to take advantage of the upcoming shore leave? From what I have heard there is a planet that you can go onto a beach and enjoy the fresh air. I know I plan on exploring the different things that are being offered there, and that includes checking out the marines on SB50. I heard there was an XO who had come back to the marines, after having kids. "

"I plan to visit the planet. Sophia loves the ocean." Zhara would enjoy it, too. It had been a while. "I know a number of Marines who manage to have a career and family, but they rely on holonannies and family support. Still, that's quite impressive to come back after such a leave."

"I intend on finding out her story, it maybe rather intriguing. Who knows." giving a slight shrug. "going to the beach sounds rather grand. I aim to go down and see the water there myself. I'm over due to have a swim in water." giving a warm smile.

Zhara had yet to meet McGowan, but she'd heard about her. The chief of intelligence didn't talk much about herself. She silently wished the captain luck. Then she smiled back at Edmund. Now that she was officially done with asking him about the mission, the counselor became less formal. "You should. A real beach is definitely worth a visit."

"Where I was born, the beach wasn't too far for me to get too. I'm from New Zealand." he remarked. "I do miss home but still had to come out into the stars and be amongst them." Edmund smiled.

"I've never been to New Zealand, but I hear it's lovely. I didn't have any beaches close to where I grew up, but I enjoy visiting them from time to time. I'm more of a woodland creature."

"My uncle is a Forester, and he takes pride in the work he does." Merrick remarked. "I can see you liking the forest more. I would like to see some trees once more myself. Be out amongst them." Merrick giving a nod. "Well, is there anything more you would like to find out?"

"Nothing official. As far as I'm concerned, you're in good mental health." She smiled warmly. "Is there anything else you would like to bring up?"

"Not at this time, but I do feel much better though, thank you." giving a final caress to the top of Sophia's head, and giving a smile. Merrick stood up from the seat, giving a bit of a stretch. "This is a good start for shore leave." giving a grin. "Well, I'm off, I'll see you later." the blonde marine turning towards the door. He was feeling pretty good and it was radiating outward.

A Joint Post By

Lieutenant Junior Grade Zhara Rynn
Counselor, USS Pioneer

Therapy Dog, USS Pioneer

Captain Edmund Merrick
The Cure Executive Officer, USS Pioneer


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