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Dance the Night Away

Posted on Sat May 27th, 2023 @ 3:54am by Lieutenant Junior Grade Thex sh'Zoarhi & Captain Edmund Merrick
Edited on on Wed May 31st, 2023 @ 8:15pm

2,460 words; about a 12 minute read

Mission: Episode 14 - The Poseidon Adventure
Location: Elysium Dreams - Poseidon Station
Timeline: MD007 2100 hrs

A smile was on Thex face as she ordered another drink from the bar. Tonight had been a good night one she hoped her fellow crew mates from the ship had enjoyed as well. Though unlike the others she was still buzzing with energy looking for some more entertainment to burn away the night.

Two ladies came to where Thex was at, both taking a seat at the bar, one on either side of her.

One of them was Andorian Female dancer-Jeshili

And the other was Seza - Female Orion Dancer

"Taking a break ladies?" asked Malak who was a trill tending the bar.

"Yes Malak, it is our turn for a break. You know how Chientaka is, she wants to make certain we are rested before the next number." Seza responding to his query. "Granted I don't mind at all. She really takes good care of us."

" You've certainly earned it. " Thex said with a warm smile. " Barkeep next drink these two ladies want is on me."

"Right away!" Malak replied then turned to get the drinks. He knew what the two ladies liked.

Seza looked at Thex, then to Jeshill, "How about us ladies get a table so we can converse without having to get dizzy on the barstools."

" Sounds good." Thex said as she stood up and lead the way to one of the tables. " May I ask what dancing school did your style come from?" Thex asked the orion woman.

"My mother taught me and she had a friend who was familiar with other dance styles including those from Earth." Seza replied. "I'm working my way through school and once that is done, well who knows what will happen later on."

Jeshill added, "Seza and I joined up to be a dance troupe, had a third but, well, things happened. The woman that has the memorial plaque on the wall, she was our third part of our trio."

" I'm sorry to hear that. From what I've heard she was an incredible dancer." Thex said taking a seat at one of the tables.

"Yes she was, however now she is gone and life must go on. " Seza answered. "So we heard that someone had been invited to do some dancing, was that you?" flashing a smile.

" One of your servers said that guests sometimes get invited up for a turn on the stage. " Thex said with a sly grin on her face.

"Indeed they do, I take it you would like to be taken up on that offer?" Jeshill responded then took a sip of her andorian drink.

" If you'll have me." Thex replied with a grin on her face.

"Sure for tonight only a special dance routine with three ladies." Seza responded. "I get to be in the center." giving a bit of a wink. "after all two blue, one green makes quite an attention getter."

" Well then how can I refuse." the sapphire girl replied the grin still on her face.

"Okay then lets finsh our drinks and then go do some planning." Seza responded, then looked at the other Andorian woman.

Jeshill gave a nod but her antennae were quivering with excitement, this was going to be fun!

The Pioneer sapphire girl smiled as she finished her starburst giving her new friends a grin.

When they were all done with their drinks, Seza rose up from the table and motioned for the other two to follow her. "C'mon lets get our outfits chosen and discuss our routine, we can still consider that as part of our break, especially since we've got Thex with us."

Jeshill gave a nod, "We've got a few costumes that we can select from. Should be fun."

To the backstage Seza led the two andorian women, they were met by the rather tall Klingon woman, Khylara.

"Ah another customer wanting to dance. At least she's not covered in purplish blue subtance, down and cotton fluff." flashing a toothy grin. " We had someone who appeared out of nowhere onto the stage wearing only a towel. She tried to leave, but Chientaka wished for her to do a dance. It brought in a bit of money. As from the distance she looked rather exotic. And the patrons were enthralled. After all they thought it was part of the act, it wasn't, and she wasn't. She went with it though, got changed into a costume and did a routine upon the pole out there."

" Must have been quite the sight," Thex replied with a slight chuckle. " How long have you been working here for Khylara? " She enquired looking at the Klingon woman her antenna moving up with her head as she took in the Klingon woman.

Khylara gazed off into space for a moment or two, then she looked back at Thex, "I've been here for over two years, Chientaka is a friend. Long time friend." the klingon woman replied. "And it was quite the sight. I know the true Identity of the woman but I will not reveal it, who dance upon that stage out there."

Seza then remarked, "Okay, now we need to figure out outfits. Any suggestions Thex? Since you are going to be the guest star."

Thex let out a hum as she thought for a moment. What would go well with an Orion and two Andorians? An idea flashed into her head. If they could pull it off it would be something to see. Turning to Seza she gave her a grin. " I have an idea. Do you have any costumes that resemble Starfleet classic miniskirt uniform?"

"Well we do but it won't have the sleeves on them, and has a vee neck as well. They are gorgeous." Seza leading the way.

"I will get back to my post, keeping unwanted intruders from coming backstage. The dancers need to be kept safe." Khylara commented then headed back upfront.

Seza watched as Khylara left then turned to Thex. "She's a good one, someone we can count on."

" Must be nice having someone to be watching your back. " Thex said as she watched the woman go before following the Andorian. To say there were a lot of outfits was an understatement even before Thex noted the dress replicator. " You certainly have a wide choice of outfits. " Thex said as her eyes took in the sight before her.

The two ladies nodded, "Okay now music to dance to, the crowd out there like variety. Some from old Earth, others a mixture from other races. Pick something that you've liked to dance to."

Thex thought for a second " How about beam me up by daughters of the warp core." She suggested.

"We've not heard that one before so play it for us so we can get the rhythm and the tune for the dance." Seza remarked.

Thex nodded and pulled a data crystal from one of her bracelets and snapped it into a holoprojector. After scrolling for a few seconds a holo image of Thex dancing to the song by the free romulan rock band. Even in standard starfleet shorts and a tank top Thex looked amazing as she danced to the rock piece.

"Well then, looks like we'll have a bit of fun, lets get dressed girls!" Seza giving a laugh, and went to get dressed.

Jeshill went and dressed in the costume that Thex had indicated, then waited for Thex to get dressed as well.

Thex nodded as she began to disrobe as she dressed in the outfit. They resembled the Skant uniform of Starfleet glory days only with a very revelling v line and the skirt section was even shorter than the original. With that, she pulled on the tights and donned the knee-length heeled sandals. Stopping to look at herself in a mirror she smiled before twirling around on the spot. " How do I look girls?" she asked with a smile on her blue face.

"You look great!" Jeshili responded with nod.

Seza gave a look of approval, "Well then girls lets get dancing." leading the way out to the stage, the music being fed into the system. As the beat of the music was piped out through the speakers, right before they stepped out on the stage Seza asked, "Well we need a name, care to come up with one Thex?"

" The star chasers?" Thex suggested looking out onto the stage with an odd feeling of excitement and fear.

"Okay that sounds like a good name, lets go!" the Orion woman stated. She stepped over and whispered to the announcer who then nodded.

Over the intercom the announcement came, "Presenting for one night only, the Star Chasers!"

And the music began, to play and Seza and Jeshili stepped out waiting for Thex to catch up.

Thex stepped out onto the stage giving the crowd a wave as she took her position her hips moving hypnotically as she did so just as the Orion who had helped her so much had taught her.

The ladies danced to the tune that Thex had picked out, there were some cheers and when the music ended, Seza said to Thex and Jeshali, "Okay we need a costume change." turning around and went back to the costume area while two other dancers went out to do their number on the poles.

Seza pulled out three outfits reminiscent of harem belly dancers complete with the veils and handed out seven veils. to each of the ladies. placing them upon part of the costumes which was a skimpy two piece with metallic pieces. And also there was the belt that had the little bells upon it which chimed when the hips were shaken.

"Now for some money making." She looked at Thex, "Are you game? We'll be going out amongst the patrons for this one."

Thex grinned. Her own Orion dancing outfit was even skimpier than these and she had no problem wearing that. " In for a penny in for a pound as the Terrans say." She said as she began to disrobe and dress in her new outfit.

Seza looked at Thex and gave a slight shrug then laughed. Then the music started, and out to the stage went Seza starting with a pose with one arm upwards and a knee bent slightly, as tthe spotlight played over her and the other two with her. Then she moved, her movements were graceful, and her whole body reacted to the rhythm of the music. Her feet were bare and the chimes on her hips rang as she moved. She moved sinuously down the stairs out towards the audience, with Jeshali matching hers. Once on the floor, each step, a little hip movement to make the bells chime. Playing with the veils allowing them to trail across some of their targets who seemed to respond with a smile and a laugh, and money tucked into part of the g string.

As the song progressed even further, Jeshali leaped upon a table, her stomach muscles undulating with perfect control,her shoulders shaking back and forth. Then she leaped off to join Seza upon the stage, the two waiting for Thex to rejoin them.

With a smile on her face that could melt the most frozen of hearts Thex stroud out onto the stage with her dancing friends. Her body moved like water the jingling of bells from her hips adding to the roar of the music as her hips, shoulders and belly moved back and forth. She could feel eyes on her as her soul moved in tune with the music as she added her movement to her companions making sure that all eyes would be on them as they moved light bright lights through the crowd.

Once Thex joined them upon the stage, the ladies moved to take the veils off each other until they reach the final one, which was linked to the last veil. Seza turned her back to the audience, the top coming off to where only they could see the bare back of her, as she danced her way backstage. Jeshili did the same. One thing Jeshalil whispered to Thex, "Always leave them wanting more, as in don't show the goodies." she said with a laugh before disappearing behind the curtain.

Thex briefly nodded as with a twirl of her hips her own hand reached for the last of her veils. Turning her head to give a cheeky smile and a wink to the audience she pulled away the last veil letting her bare back show to them before she to vanished off the stage.

There was a bit of cat calls and wolf whistles coming from the audience, as well as clapping. The next performers went out, giving a wave to the three ladies who had just gotten done.

"That was fun, however we're done for the night." Seza remarked, as she was getting ready to change into her regular clothing. She also had gathered the money that had been given to her putting it in a bucket, and Jeshili did the same. It was a tidy sum of money.

Jeshili looked at Seza with a curious look in her eyes then Seza gave a nod.

"So you will get a large cut of the take tonight, minus what we give to Chientaka. Hope you had fun." Seza giving a smile.

" I did." Thex said as she dropped her own takings into the bucket. " Thank you both of you I had a great time." she added looking at the pair of dancers.

A division was made for the money earned then Thex was given her share. "Here you go." Seza handing the currency to Thex.

"Enjoy your time on the station. I've got to get going, I've got a hot date waiting for me outside of the Elysian Dreams. He's been waiting until I get off of work." the Orion girl flashing a smile.

Jeshili gave a return smile, "Have fun!" giving a wave. She started to get dressed as well. "I've got another gig to go to, I have a job at 32 Below its an ice cream shop." she said to Thex.

" I'd better get back to the ship. It's been fun." Thex replied re dressing in her outfit before heading for the door.

Jeshili gave a nod "it was definitely fun, make sure you stay chill." giving a laugh, then the andorian woman turned to finish getting dressed to go to work.

A Joint Post By

Jeshili and Seza written by Captain Edmund Merrick
Captain Edmund Merrick
The Cure Executive Officer, USS Pioneer

Lieutenant Junior Grade Thex sh'Zoarhi
Chief Operations Officer, USS Pioneer


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