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Better Late Then Never

Posted on Mon Apr 1st, 2024 @ 2:31pm by Lieutenant Ja'sol H'ros & Lieutenant Commander Hermia O'Rourke & Petty Officer 1st Class Kimba Rossi
Edited on on Tue Apr 2nd, 2024 @ 5:31pm

0 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Episode 15 - The Evil That Lies Beneath
Location: Sick Bay - Deck 5 - USS Pioneer
Timeline: MD002 1100 hrs

Ja'sol walked into Sickbay not knowing what type of reception he was going to receive, He saw a nurse and approached her. " Excuse me, I'm looking for the Doctor... It seems I'm a little overdue for my physical and need it to get taken care of. "

"Welcome to Sickbay, Lieutenant." Kimba said. "Doctor O'Rourke is in her office." She said pointing the way.

Hermia was reading about a new surgical procedure, as CMO and Chief Surgeon, she had to keep up to date on new procedures.

" Thank you Petty Officer. " Said Ja'sol as he headed towards the office that was indicated. He arrived and tapped on the door. " Hello, Your Doctor O'Rourke I presume? I am Lieutenant H'ros, May I speak with you? "

"Yes, of course."Hermia said. "What can I do for you, Lieutenant?" She asked.

" First off I must apologize. I have been on the ship for awhile now, and with how hectic things have been, this is the first opportunity that I've had to come down for my physical since I've been aboard. I have served aboard ships where the CMO haven't been so understanding, So I meant no disrespect in my tardiness in come here. We've all been pretty busy and this is the first lull that we've had , so I am here now. "

"I understand, Lieutenant." Hermia said. "Its been busy down here too."

" So if you have the time, I would like to get that taken care of if I may. "Stated Ja'sol. If your to busy at this time I could make an appointment if you'd like . "

"I can fit you in." Hermia said. "Take a biobed and I'll bring up your medical records."

Ja'sol hopped up on to the Bio Bed and looked around the Sickbay. " It's a pretty nice set up you've got in here Doctor. Every thing state of the art, There's some gear in here I'm not even certain what it does. " He said honestly. " the only medical training I got was the first aid course that security was required to take in the Academy. "

"Yeah,it sure beats the equipment at Marine Base Diamond in Cardassian Space, where I served for 9 years." Hermia said grabbing a PADD with a copy of Ja'sol's medical records and joining him at the biobed.

" I will admit that I had another reason for coming here today as well. " Ja'sol confessed. " Just a idea I had awhile ago and I'd like to know what you think about it. " the look upon his face was uncertain. " In the event of a major emergency or ship wide disaster, I know that the medical staff can be stretched thin to say the very least. If security personal were trained in triage, stabilization techniques and say dermal and bone regeneration, that would free up the medical staff to take care of all the major medical issues at hand. So what do you think of the idea? " He asked.

"I think its a great idea." Hermia said. "I'm sure Nurse Rossi could help with the training, Sergeant Thompson, the Marine Corpsman does a few shifts in Sickbay, I'm sure she could help too."

" That's great to hear. " Stated Ja'sol. " I think I can sell them on the idea and with the number of people I have, I think we can get them for between two and four shifts per month per person for training and we should have them brought up to speed. Myself included of course, As a department head I do need to lead by example, So I'll make sure I do at least one shift per week myself if that would be alright by you? "

"Yes, I believe we can make that work." Hermia said.

Ja'sol's attention turned to the monitor screen with some interest. " Well I guess it looks like everything is where it belongs. Nothing out of place or to serious I hope. "

"Indeed, but your cholesterol is getting a little high, I suggest keeping rich, fatty foods to a minimum." Hermia said. "Otherwise you're oin perfect health."

" Well I have indulged in a few foods I wasn't used to at a friends party. But that should be easy enough to counteract by eating a traditional Eldorian diet. Seafoods, lean meats, vegetables, salads and grains. That and paired with a glass or two of wine during the meal and a little more exercise added to my normal routine and that should take care of the problem. Does that sound satisfactory? " Ja'sol asked.

"Yes, that will suffice. As for the wine, I enjoy a glass of wine or two myself." Hermia said.

" well for me it depends on what type of fish is being served. A cod would pair well with a white zinfandel or a salmon I'd pair with a rose'. Are you interested in Eldorian cuisine? " Ja'sol asked.

"I've never tried it, but I'm always open to new cuisine." Hermia said with a smile.

Ja'sol smiled. " Well perhaps when we're both free sometime I could cook something up for you if you'd like. " Ja'sol offered.

"I'd like that." Hermia said.

" Sounds good, Just let me know when your free and we'll set up a time to get together. " He paused a moment. " You don't have any food allergies that I should know of do you to fish or shellfish? the region I grew up in use quite a bit of seafood and we farmed the fields of nearby islands for fruits, vegetables and to raise livestock. I know it's a simple way to live but we tend to like it. " He said with a warm smile.

"No food allergies." Hermia said. "I was born in the town of Kilkenny. It is quite rural and is built on both sides of a river." The CMO explained. "The whisky's good, but its several kilometres from the coast."

" The city of Seva is several Kilometers from the nearest island, It's pearl spires rise up from the ocean depths to several hundred meters above the surface of the water, while the lower portions rest upon the oceans floor. When the temperatures cool down to fifteen degrees celsius we come into the stormy season and must use the city's shielding to protect the structure. Luckily we use tidal and geo thermal to power our city with backup reactors on standby should anything unexpected happen. "

"It sounds beautiful." Hermia said. "Now lie back on the bio bed and I'll begin the scan." She added.

" It is indeed beautiful. " Stated Ja'sol as he stretch out on the bio-bed and placed his hands under his head for some added comfort. " In all the years that I've been in Starfleet, I have never found another place like it during my travels. But I didn't join Starfleet to see what I already knew, I joined because I want to understand other cultures and see what new things the universe has to offer a bold explorer with new experiences, sights and sensations. "

"I know what you mean I spent a lot of time in Cardassian space following the war." Hermia said. "I was attached to a Marine Base as a combat medic, but I got to learn a lot about their culture and even visited Cardassia Prime on a few occasions."

" That wasn't an easy assignment for you I imagine. " Stated Ja'sol. " Right out of the academy I was assigned to the anti piracy, slaver and smuggling task force. I wanted to see different cultures, I would have preferred to see the good side of the culture first before the seedy underside. That had to wait until I got out of the task force, before meeting the real people of those cultures and see what they had to offer to the universe. That's when I really started to enjoy meeting other species. I find I tend to like people better when I'm not on the business end of a disruptor. " Said Ja'sol with a slight chuckle.

"Yes, it wasn't easy, we had True Way terrorists that would attack civilian shipping and occasionally our base." Hermia said remembering plunging her laser scalpel into the throat of a Cardassian True Way commander, before using his own disruptor to take out one of his crew.
"Also, some Cardassian citizens weren't happy to see us."

" It seems that we've both seen our fair share of hazard pay duty in the past. We're both in a better place currently and we have peace right now, but in this wide universe one is never sure when a conflict will rear it's ugly head and plunge us into another war. " Said Ja'sol in a business like tone.

"True." Hermia said. "We must stay vigilant." the CMO paused a moment thinking about her daughter, before saying. "I've enjoyed this little talk, but you're fit for duty, so I have to let you. I'll get in touch with you about trying some Eldoran, do you mind if I bring my daughter, Helena?

" Not at all, please feel free to bring her along, She likes seafood does she not? " He asked. " I think I can come up with two ocean based dishes, two land based dishes, some fruits and a dessert item. That should do for a sampling meal. " Stated Ja'sol.

"Yes, Helena likes seafood, she grew up in her father's estate in Sorrento, Italy, near the sea." Hermia said.

" Sounds like a beautiful place to grow up, near the sea that is. " Said Ja'sol with a smile. Give me a sailboat or a hoverboat and a few days with some fishing gear and i could be very content catching myself some food. Just the thought of that brings back some memories of my youth. The younger children learning to work a sailboat and the teenagers getting and racing they're hoverboats, and the reason they race those boats is for the girls attention. " He said with a laugh

"I seems somethings are universal, like young males doing potentially hazardous things to impress females." Hermia said with a smile.

Ja'sol chuckled and shook his head. " How do you think that young men get the attention of a young lady? " He asked with a grin. " I'll admit that there was a certain young lady that I was trying to impress and got my friend to help me with the stunt. Dev came racing by a large 50 meter tall stone that stuck out of the water, He came racing by the stone that I was on top of with a powered grav glider. The object was for me to swoop down and intercept the boat and land on the deck next to her and present her with a coral necklace and ask her out. What happened instead was that I crashed into the mast about half way down and broke three ribs on impact. I fell the rest of the way and broke my left leg on impact with the deck. She wasn't impressed and I also lost the necklace that I was going to give her. "

"Sounds like you hurt your pride as well as your body." Hermia said. "So did you manage to impress anyone with your antics?" She asked.

Ja'sol sighed and then gave a short laugh. " Sadly yes, i did manage to impress someone. Her best friend thought it was sweet and took an interest in me, we dated for a short time and then she found out we were dating and they had a fight and were no longer friends. I still don't know to this day why she got so upset. She said she wasn't interested and I went out with her friend and she freaked out. I guess it really doesn't matter since I left the planet shortly thereafter to go to the Academy. "

Hermia laughed. "My mother would say that is why Betazoid society is better, because there are no secrets, no deception, because everyone can read each other's thoughts and emotions." She said. "Personally I like a little mystery, so I keep myself out of other people's heads, unless given permission. "

Ja'sol smiled. " I am but an empath and can not read others minds, Just their feelings and emotions. But as an investigator, it is a talent that I find most useful. It's kind of like having a built in lie detector most of the time. The Federation doesn't seem to care if you read someone's emotions. " He stated with a chuckle.

"In fact Betazoid Counselors use it as a therapeutic tool." Hermia said.

" I can't say that I've ever used it for therapy, but it has helped me solve a number of cases in the past. " Said the Eldorian with a sly smile. " It has served me well and I expect it shall continue to serve me in the future. "

"I'm glad." Hermia said. "Although I don't like to invade others' thoughts, when required I have used 'my gifts' as a diagnostic tool." She smiled. "Being trained as a Marine, I also use my diagnostic skills to weigh up an opponent, it can give me an advantage in combat."

" It's always good to have an edge over your opponent in your field of specialty. That advantage may save you in a case of life or death situations. Space exploration isn't the easiest or safest occupation, not even for medical or diplomats. We all knew the risk when we signed up, but I will say it is one of the most rewarding careers that a person could have. I'm sure you feel the same way, if you didn't you wouldn't be here today. I can't imagine me doing anything else, there is far to much to do and see out there. " Stated Ja'sol

"Indeed." Hermia said.

Ja'sol's combadge beeped. Lieutenant H'ros, Please return to security as there is a matter requiring your attention.

Ja'sol tapped his combadge. Acknowledged and enroute. He looked up. " Well if you'll excuse me it seems that I have work to do, We'll have to discuss the details later on. " He got up and started to head towards the door.

"Okay. Great meeting you Ja'sol." Hermia said and then returned to her own work.

A Joint Post By

Lieutenant Ja'sol H'ros
Chief Security/Tactical Officer, USS Pioneer

Lieutenant Commander Hermia O'Rourke
Chief Medical Officer, USS Pioneer

Petty Officer First Class Kimba Rossi
Nurse, USS Pioneer


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