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Water Therapy

Posted on Fri Sep 1st, 2023 @ 4:58am by Lieutenant Commander Alyssa Maren
Edited on on Sat Sep 2nd, 2023 @ 8:58pm

0 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Episode 14 - The Poseidon Adventure
Location: Holodeck 1 - Deck 5 - USS Pioneer
Timeline: MD012 1100 hrs

Alyssa had to replicate a regulation swimsuit as hers had gone missing. She probably forgot to pack it on one of her transfers. Then again, she hadn't used it since Mozart died. Her Capuchin loved to chase the water that splashed over the side of the pool when she swam, and she hadn't been ready to relive that memory. But he'd been gone for over a year now and she wanted to get back in form, even if she was too old and too slow to compete. It was a good form of exercise and she still enjoyed challenging herself in the water.

Swimming also gave her time to think. With most of the crew on shore leave, the holodecks were mostly empty and she had plenty of time right now to use them—and a need to exhaust herself with exercise.

As she went through her warmups, her thoughts went back to Jek’Lar. They'd gone out for dinner once since meeting again on Empok Nor, and they'd talked a bit, but it was—different. She'd loved him deeply when they were on the Archimedes. When he'd been called home, she waited for word, but after a month that waiting turned to worry. For six months she tried to find him, but she had no friends on Qo’noS and no one would give her any answers. Until the day his family told her he was getting married to a Klingon woman and did not wish to speak with her again. That day her world shattered. She shattered. Teena needed her to stay on as acting XO, but as soon as she could, Alyssa took a sabbatical and went back to work for Starfleet Science. It meant she and Mozart traveled a lot, but it kept her busy and alone while her brain processed what happened and her heart slowly healed. And then Mozart got sick and died, and her world fell apart again.

She finished her routine, pleased she still remembered it, and jumped in the pool to take a lap. Maybe it was the BIID or maybe it was the shore leave that had her so melancholy. Or maybe it was finally accepting that she wasn't the same woman she'd been back then. Her heart had broken and mended twice. She knew she'd done all she could to find him, but he never looked for her. He didn't even send her a message saying his parents had trapped him into an arranged marriage and he was trying to get out of it. If he had, she would have waited. But that had been another lifetime ago.

She climbed out of the pool, shook out her arms and legs, and positioned herself at the far end of the pool in front of the center lane. "Computer, set start and clock time."

The computer beeped. "Take your mark." It beeped again. "Ready." When it beeped one more time, she dove into the pool, concentrating on her form, her breathing, and her strokes. Not bad, but she was definitely off. Her muscles didn't respond as they once had. As she approached the side she flipped and kicked off. You know better than that, Maren," she heard her old coach say in her head. While she had the time she'd have to work on her turns. She focused on her toes and fingers, on keeping her line straight. the next turn was better, but still sloppy. In the back of her mind, she wondered if she and Jek’Lar could build another relationship off what they once had. The spark was still there. Okay, it was more than a spark, but they'd both changed. And there was no Mozart. Could they start over? A part of her wanted to. Another part was afraid she'd fail again and this time when her heart broke, she would have to find some corner of the galaxy to hide and rebuild herself. No, she could not think of that now. Now she had to swim, to remember what her coaches said. To move with the water. She did well for the first 800 meters, then she could feel the burn in her muscles. At 1200 she decided it was enough for today. She really needed to work on her core and build up her strength again.

She climbed into the hot tub to let her muscles relax and made a mental note to set up a more rigorous exercise program. There was no reason not to keep swimming. And maybe it would help her figure out what she really wanted with her life. Science, yes. But once, she'd wanted so much more.

She wiped the tears off her face, refusing to admit they were there and dried off. When the Pioneer was back at Empok Nor she'd have to see Jek’Lar. Maybe they really could kindle something new from the flames of their old relationship. Or maybe he was more content with his new friends. Alyssa shook her head. All the thinking in the world wouldn't solve this. She needed a shower and a salad. And a hot fudge sundae. "Computer, end program."

Lieutenant Commander Alyssa Maren
Chief Science Officer, USS Pioneer


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