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Where am I? Part I

Posted on Sat Mar 2nd, 2024 @ 7:06pm by Lieutenant Commander Hermia O'Rourke
Edited on on Sat Mar 2nd, 2024 @ 7:26pm

0 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Episode 15 - The Evil That Lies Beneath
Location: Unknown
Timeline: MD004 1300 hrs

Hermia looked around. Where's Rowen? What happened to my tri-corder? She thought to herself.

She stood in Sickbay, the place was empty, the only sounds were the machines.

She reached out a little with her mind. There was a presence at the edge of her mind, but she couldn't sense the familiar emotions or thoughts of the crew.

"Computer, locate Captain Edmund Merrick." She asked.

"There is no one of that name aboard this vessel." The Computer answered in its normal feminine tone.

"Computer, locate Lieutenant Vura." She asked.

"There is no one of that name aboard this vessel." The Computer answered in its normal feminine tone.

Strange. She thought to herself.

"Computer, locate Commodore Tyler Malbrooke." She asked.

"There is no one of that name aboard this vessel." The Computer answered in its normal feminine tone.

Now she was worried.

"Computer, locate First Lieutenant Edward O'Rourke." She asked.

"There is no one of that name aboard this vessel." The Computer answered in its normal feminine tone.

"Computer what is the current number of crew aboard this ship?"

"One. Lieutenant Commander Hermia O'Rourke, Chief Medical Officer. The Computer answered in its normal feminine tone.

"Computer what happened to the rest of the crew aboard this ship?" She asked although she was pretty sure she already knew the answer.

"Nothing happened to the crew, there has always only been one crew member on this vessel, Lieutenant Commander Hermia O'Rourke." It said.

"Computer, if that is so, why is this ship so big and how do I run this ship alone?" She asked.

The computer replied with a single word. "Unknown."

"Okay, its not a static warp bubble, that would've occurred more slowly." Hermia said aloud.

She grabbed a medical tri-corder and scanned herself. The results were normal for someone who had suddenly found themselves alone on a Intrepid Class starship.

Retrieving the type-2 phaser she kept in a lock box beneath her desk, she headed for the Bridge.
To Be Continued...

Lieutenant Commander Hermia O'Rourke
Chief Medical Officer, USS Pioneer


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