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Distribution of Labor

Posted on Wed Jan 17th, 2018 @ 6:53am by Lieutenant Commander Larim Myles
Edited on on Thu May 31st, 2018 @ 9:51pm

1,172 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Episode 2 - The Enemy Within
Location: Marine HQ- Deck 9
Timeline: MD002 1300 Hrs
Tags: SD 71373.1300

Jack sat at the conference table in the Marine HQ, reviewing his Marines' evaluation reports for the past month. Some of them showed promise but most of them had room for improvement. At least there wasn't a truly bad boot among the bunch. He checked the chronometer.

He'd sent out a meeting request to to Chief Beckett and Lieutenant Myles so that they could discuss the request for security at the SCIF. Jack personally thought it was a burden on his limited resources but the captain had told him to work things out so he was going to work things out.

Larim entered the Marine HQ, looking for the new MCO. Wonder what happened to AJ? he thought as he got his bearings a little bit. He saw a door marked "conference room." Must be the place he thought as he rang the chime

Jack looked up. "Come in," he said and watched the young human looking officer walk in. He knew from reviewing files that this was Lieutenant Myles, the Chief Security Officer. Jack stood up and held out one of his hands. "Jack Cunningham. Nice to meet you."

"Larim Myles. Pleasure to meet you as well." Larim smiled.

"Nice to meet you. Have a seat, please. We're still waiting on our chief intelligence officer. I've got a request from him for security on the SCIF and I wanted to see how this was going to work out between all of us."

Tobias was in his office as his screen flashed to remind him of the appointment. Quickly locking everything as he placed coversheets on the documents on his desk he grabbed his mug and made the short walk to the Marine conference room. As he entered her looked around the room, "I'm sorry I'm late gentlemen, shall we get started."

Jack leveled his stern command look at the young warrant. "So glad you could make it, chief, seeing as my Marines are going to be on duty with you." His eyes flitted back over to the security officer. "Lieutenant Myles, how many people do you expect to be part of this duty roster?"

"I've given that some thought. I know you have limited marines. So I figured a ballpark estimate of about a pool of 12 men. Six at any given time. Two per shift. How does that sound? Larim said.

Jack grunted. Six people per day sounded like an awful lot. "Mr. Beckett, how many do you you actually need? And I'd also like to know why you need additional security? Is this a fleet thing? Don't you have your own people?"

"Starfleet Intelligence Regulations states that any operational SCIF requires at least one armed guard on duty 24 hours a day, but further I need to provide someone with adequate clearance to be inside the SCIF 24 hours a day. That means my considerably smaller staff is on an even tighter rotation." Tobias smiled across the table. "Look gentleman I'm sorry this task fall to you. I know no Marine or Security Officer wants guard duty. But realistically I think this can easily be solved with two men from each department on a weekly rotation, 12 hour shifts, two days on two days off. What do you think?"

Jack frowned. "Where does it specify that the guard has to be security or Marine? Why can't intel have a person on the rotation as well? That will reduce the strain on both of our departments."

"Well Sir," Tobias said defiantly, "My department is five people strong. That's including me and as I've just mentioned we have to have at least one of us in the SCIF at all times. I'm already rotating them as well as I can. Unfortunately it calls to you two gentlemen to figure this out. I get it, no one wants taskings, but this is out of my hands."

Larim nodded. To him, this was becoming quite the interesting conversation. Plus, he could see both points. He rubbed his chin in thought. 'How about this? Just thinking out loud mind." he said. "Go with the two Marine, two security rotation idea. Plus arm the Intel guy in the SCIF. That way we're responsible for protection and they have a way of self defense should the need arise?"

Jack sighed. "Some of my Marines have security clearances and others don't. Is the entry room considered classified? If not, our people are going to have to be waiting in the hallway."

Larim nodded. "I'll have to go along with that." he said. "Maybe defining "clearance" would help." he offered. "We don't need to know what the Tal Shiar had for breakfast." he laughed. "But at least be read in enough to effectively do the job."

"I can ensure that any who would be assigned to guard the SCIF will be read on with the sufficient clearance and there is a weapons locker in the SCIF." Tobias looked at both men. "Look Gentlemen, I know most peoples opinion of intel on a starship as it's own department. I know there is a lot of crossover, but my department may be just the thing both of you need when going on a dangerous away mission. The knowledge of what you will face will help to better prepare your men and ensure you get them all back in one piece. So do you think we can work together on this?"

"Oh I believe that good intelligence is of the utmost importance. I just find fleet lack of security to be astounding. However, if the captain wants it this way, I will make the necessary arrangements as you both suggest," Jack said looking at them. "But, I am also going to be looking into other options and if something comes up that I thinks works better for us all, we can revisit this."

"I'm all for that." Larim said. He turned to Jack. "I can get a personnel roster together. See which of my guys skills complement your guys skills." he offered.

"Ok that sounds good. Lets get this together so we can get started with it right away," Jack said.

"Agreed." Myles replied.

Jack stood and made his way out of the door. He fully intended to talk it over with the CO once he finished setting the rotation up. It still didn't make sense to him that a secure room inside a secure vessel needed 24 hour security. They weren't the flagship!

Larim followed about a minute later. All this was semi new to him, but made at least a measure of sense. Did seem like a lot to him though

A Joint Post By:

1st Lieutenant Jack Cunningham Jr
Marine Commanding Officer/Second Officer, USS Pioneer

Lieutenant Larim Myles
Chief Security/Tactical Officer, USS Pioneer

Warrant Officer Tobias Beckett
Chief Intelligence Officer, USS Pioneer


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