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Admittance: One Cajoran Part II

Posted on Mon Jun 26th, 2023 @ 11:46am by Lieutenant Vura
Edited on on Wed Jun 28th, 2023 @ 9:11pm

0 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Episode 14 - The Poseidon Adventure
Location: Fusion Asian Bistro - Poseidon Station
Timeline: MD013 1830 hrs

Last Time One: Admittance One Cajaoran Part I

Sympathetically, Vura's voice softened and she leaned in towards Paisley. "We undock tomorrow, Paisley. I do not think that this is going to be a quick solution. And even so, what do you want to apologize for? That you may have feelings for him or something else? Think of this like an engineering problem. You have to know what you want to solve before you can create a plan of attack or else you may cause more problems unintentionally."
And Now The Continuation...

Ugh, that is NOT what she'd wanted to hear. She sighed. "What if I don't know what the problem is? Normally, I'd do a full panel check, open up walls. That doesn't work with living things. I can't diagnose a situation with my Tricorder and just decouple my brain," she said. What was Vura thinking?! She wasn't a computer system or wiring, or even a wall with a hole. "As appealing as that is, if I could just do that, I would've by now, because this SUCKS," she said, borrowing a term from the younger Humans around them. "Not having a logical explanation is very, VERY annoying, and I hate it." She also did NOT like having a lack of control over the situation. "No, apologize for my-what he perceived as my rudeness," she said. SHE had thought it was just her regular, though admittedly slightly aggressive friendliness. "And scaring him, I suppose," she said. "Not for anything else. And definitely NOT for dumping coffee on him. He's just lucky it wasn't hot still." She was still mad about it. "But maybe you're right. Maybe we don't have time. On the other hand, we have nothing BUT time out here, right?!" FINALLY, their meals appeared. She paused from her prattling to dig in. After a minute, she started again. "Would it be inappropriate for me to just...turn up at his quarters? Just to see what would happen?" She asked. Maybe her earlier idea wasn't so terrible. A bit of Dutch courage, a cute dress, and things would maybe work out. And then she wouldn't HAVE to make any power moves.

Vura squinched her nose at Paisley's suggestion. "I really don't think that showing up at his quarters would be a good idea. Why don't we shelve that idea for, perhaps, another time? Huh?" You really are emotionally clueless, aren't you, Paisley?

When she saw her meal placed before her, she squealed with glee. "So colorful!"

She let out a sigh. "Ok, you're right. That's too much. That would be so embarrassing, and besides, he would probably call the MPs or something." She sighed. Still. She wanted to DO something. Sitting idly so she could "figure it out" wasn't really her thing. She liked forward movement. "So what can I do to at least get something STARTED? You know I hate waiting! I need to be DOING things, not talking about them!" It was frustrating to her. On the one hand, she might go ahead and just do it anyway. On the other hand, she really didn't want to disappoint Vura, either. "I am just...stuck here?"

"I think that right now, we work on you, Paisley. Mr. Turner will wait and right now, if you do anything, it may alienate him further. Let's not light a match and flick it onto the powderkeg." She took her first bite of her food and closed her eyes, reveling all of the difference sensations of her meal. She finally swallowed and told Paisley, "You know all of the best places."

She ate a bit as Vura spoke. She thought about the Counselor's words, but as soon as she'd swallowed, and opened her mouth to respond, words flew out that she hadn't even CONSIDERED. "But what if someone gets to him first?" Her hand flew over her mouth, and she flushed a deep purple. Oh, sh*t, where had that even COME from?! Her lizard brain, no doubt. She desperately tried to change the subject, but Vura couldn't have NOT heard it. "Um...I looked at the base's manifest and decided ahead of time where I wanted to eat. I do that...I don't like to eat the same things over and over. I get bored. And when I get bored, I get self-destructive." Oh, please, don't let Vura roast her for that.

Vura instead, watching Paisley cover her mouth, said nothing, giving Paisley a knowing look. "Self-destructive when bored..." Vura mused facetiously. "I would never have guessed."

Paisley made a face at her friend. "Anyway. It's quite good, I agree. This is some kind of Asian-Italian fusion; the sweet and saltines of the Teriyaki is good with the lemon and herbs of the noodles," she said, avoiding what had just come out of her mouth, even though she wanted to ask a million follow-up questions. The biggest of all of them, though, were "am I losing my mind?" Maybe she was. Maybe she should leave here and go to Medical. Dr. O'Rourke would LOOVVVEEE this.

"Indeed, it is wonderful." Vura then switched the topic back to her proclaimed crush. "So, will that lemon help you pucker up enough to give Mr. Turner a kiss, or gobble up his noodle?" She raised her painted on eyebrows before getting another forkful of food into her mouth. It was practically the only way she could stop herself from continuing to gently needle her friend.

Paisley gave Vura a pointed look. "That is absolutely not going to happen, Lieutenant" she said. "At least, not tonight. I know better than to kick the hornet's nest," she said. "But seriously...I guess we should talk about it now that it's out. What IF someone gets there first, while I am working on myself? What then? It's not like I have people lining up here for my affections, Vura," she sighed again, and sipped her beer. The food was no longer appetizing. She was too keyed up. "And DON'T say "well, at least you'll be ok for the next person." She sighed. She forced herself to eat a bit more to settle her stomach, because she definitely felt like she was going to vomit from the nerves.

"Look at you.... Admitting that it could happen, even if not tonight. So proud of you, Paisely," Vura told Paisley with a grin of the cat that ate the canary. "But seriously, Paisley, listen to yourself.... Do you really think, in that rational brain of yours that anyone would 'beat you there'? Mr. Turner could not even look at me and I do not remember him looking at you, except when he was angry."

She made another sour face. "It COULD happen, Vura. He doesn't seem to mind El, really. Though she's a lesbian, so I don't worry about that, but that's not the point, is it?!" She didn't really know what the POINT was, actually. "I don't....never mind, I don't know WHAT I mean." She sighed. "Maybe it would actually be easier if someone DID, so at least I could figure it out," she said. She paused a minute to eat, feeling slightly better because Vura was probably correct; he seemed like he'd DIE if someone who even resembled a woman looked at him for a longer than a passing glance. "Do you know anything about computers?" She asked. "I figure I should learn something, a little bit. So, we have something to talk about in case it ever comes up," she said.

Vura did her best not to snicker. Vura knew exactly what Paisley meant. Watching a discombobulated Paisley was extremely entertaining. "Do I know something about computers? Nothing more than I was taught in grade school. For me, they're a tool that I'm happy that works every time that I need it. You're probably better off asking someone in engineering or ops."

Ops....a glint entered her eye. That was IT!! "You're brilliant. Ops is perfect. Why didn't *I* think of that? I'll go tomorrow, ask him to teach me when he's off duty, to impress a guy. He won't know it's him! And then, over'll just....happen. It's a completely brilliant plan!" She smiled. "And then!! I will also have that skill anyway." She nodded. It was smart. Right?! What were the downsides? Well, for one...he was pretty smart and might be able to read through her ruse. Plus, she was a bit impatient. Could she play the long game?! She had no idea. "That's not what you meant, though, is it?! I don't know anyone else who does the computers; El or I usually just upload a patch from the database," she said.

Alarmed, when Paisley started talking about going into Ops, her eyes widened. Evidentally, Vura's glance was caught because Paisley came back to earth by saying, "That is not what you meant." Vura exhaled at having narrowly avoided disaster. "No, that isn't what I meant. But certainly there must be someone else on the ship that knows something about computers."

Paisley nodded. "Maybe one of the pilots," she said. She ate a bit more, thinking. "I know there's also the databases, too," she said. Vura knew that once Paisley got something in her head, she didn't let go easily. "My bunkmate is dating the shuttle pilot-the Romulan one. I'll ask him. He owes me a favor, anyway, because I covered for him when he was late for duty the other day. He and Charlie couldn't pull it together in time," she said. "This might WORK! And like I said...even if it doesn't, it's another tool in my belt, right? And that's always good." She smiled now, her face back to its usual happy expression. "How's your dinner? I've dominated the entire conversation. I am sorry," she said. "Tell me about your day."

A pleased Vura ate as Paisley talked. Since she was a slow eater, she was able to swallow at least two bites while Paisley was sorting herself out. She then praised Paisley, "I think your plan is reasonable." When the topic switched to Vura's day, the counselor replied, "My day was fairly usual. Saw some clients and of course, I cannot talk about most of that. I admit that sometimes it makes it difficult to conduct a fair exchange of information in a conversation."

Paisley nodded. "I know you cannot tell me much. But what you can, always feel free to share. You will not bore me." Paisley said. She looked at her friend. "Are you ever as mixed up as this?" She asked. "Who do you talk to? Surely, counselors have counselors, right?" She said, gently. "You can tell me anything. I don't spill secrets."

"Counselors do have counselors," Vura confirmed. "We're all trained to have one as part of our instruction. After all, we all have something to work on. And like you, I have a standing appointment with one, though she's not on this ship."

Paisley nodded. "Good. I am glad you have that, at least. I worry about you. I know I put a lot on you, and I am sure other people do, too." She said, poking at her food. She took another bite. "What DOES your dinner taste like?" She was back to her usual self, asking silly questions to draw the Deltan out. "Also. I am thinking of cutting my hair. Just a little. A cute little bob. It'll be easier to deal with at work. What do you think?" She was unsure; her hair was the least alien thing about her, and since she was a carbon copy of her mother, features wise, it was a sore thing for her. But maybe it would be a good change.

"Why do you worry about me, Paisley?" Vura asked curiously. "Surely you don't think that I'm in some sort of trouble, do you? Of course my job has stresses, but what job does not? Even so, I do love helping people, so in the end, it is worth every moment of stress that I might feel."

She changed the topic back to food. "Would you like to try some? Feel free to take a bite. I doubt many of my pheromones could have leaked onto the food. After all, only my fork touched anything and I'm very careful to eat what I stab. Your choice, though." She shrugged, pushing her plate encouragingly towards Paisley.

"As to your hair, I wish I could even grow some. It is a silly wish. All Deltans are bald and while I know we are quite beautiful as a race, the thought of having long luxurious hair is a curious fantasy. So, were I in your position, I would not cut it. Ultimately, though, that decision is yours."

Paisley chuckled. "I worry because I care, Vura," she said. "Would I keep bringing it up if I didn't?" It was HER turn to use that line. "Like I said, we could get you some fun wigs. Hair is fun. You ARE beautiful anyway, but I do understand. I think it's sort of like how I wish I could have bigger breasts, but here we are," she said. "Not that I've gotten any complaints, but you's my thing." She shrugged. She pulled the plate to her. "Wait, it can transfer through FOOD?" She asked. She didn't think about that. Wow. "Well, I guess if I go mad, this would be the best way to go," she giggled. She took a bite, and smiled. "Oh, yes, that's really good," she said, passing the plate back. "Want to try mine?" She offered.

"It might be fun to play with a wig and play dressup one day. I wonder if people would recognize me," she mused. "And your breasts are wonderful from where I'm sitting. Bigger ones would be harder on your back. Be grateful." When the topic came to food, Vura grinned widely. "I thought you would never ask!" She took her fork and speared some of Paisley's food and put it into her mouth. Her eyes closed as she savored the feelings. She muttered, "Ohhh yeah..." as the food slid to the back of her throat and she finally swallowed.

Paisley put her arms over her chest, but giggled. "Well, thank you. The back pain WOULD suck, and they'd probably get caught up in the Jefferies' Tubes, I am sure," she joked. "It would be fun to play dress-up, then go out on the town. Or at least the Lounge," she said. There wasn't much "painting the town red" for them, after all. "Yeah, it's really GOOD, huh?" She laughed. She loved how Vura really SAVORED food. It was good lesson for her to remember. "Have as much as you like," she said, having another small bite of Vura's. It was equally good, too. Fusion food was always fun-you got the best flavors of all the cuisines involved. "What are your plans for the rest of the night?"

Vura took another bite but after that pushed the plate back towards Paisley. "The first bite is always the best," she informed Paisley with a resigned tone. "As to my plans, I have none at the moment. Is there something that you wanted to do?"

She pulled the plate back and returned Vura's. "Man, that's gotta suck, only being able to get full satisfaction from the first bite. Is that the same with orgasms?" She shrugged. She wasn't a shy type. "You don't have to answer that if it's too personal, but that would really stink. You should enjoy as many as possible, in my opinion," she said. "And no, nothing in particular. I just have time; since have Beta shift tomorrow, I was going to stay up late. Maybe go find Taylon and see if he can start helping me learn computer stuff. That's what you can do-go break the one in your office. Then call for help. We'll both show up and there we go!" She giggled. "But maybe in a few weeks so it's not suspicious." She said. She felt better now that her secret was out. She eyeballed the host walking past with someone else's dessert. Ice cream of some kind. Hmm. "But if you have ideas, I am open to hearing them. I already went to the gym, though."

"Orgasms?" Vura asked with a sly grin. "Oh, no.... I cannot ever imagine having enough of those, but some are definitely better than others." Rather than being personal, as Paisley might have feared, the Deltan seemed more than willing to discuss them. "And much depends on the emotional and physical connection with a partner. Oh, my when you get both together!" Her eyes rolled in the back of her head as she gave an excited utterance. "And oh, my, Paisley, if I could only show you some of the most exciting places for stimulation...." So enthralled with the discussion of orgasms, Vura completely let any other topic drop. She was lost in her own world.

Paisley sat and watched Vura, a smile on her face. She'd opened Pandora's box. Oops. "I wish you could, but we shouldn't, given the circumstances," Paisley remarked. "But I agree, as many as possible with the best person possible is best!!" It wasn't lost on Paisley how illogical it was that she was fine discussing THIS but she'd nearly had a heart attack when her earlier admittance had slipped about. Strange. "Are you going to be Ok?" Now, she was a little concerned.

"Me? OK? Of course I am. Why would I not be OK talking about orgasms?" Vura looked genuinely confused.
To Be Concluded...

A Joint Post By

Lieutenant Vura
Chief Counselor, USS Pioneer

Ensign Paisley F'rar
Damage Control Specialist, USS Pioneer


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