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Family Reunion

Posted on Tue Jul 3rd, 2018 @ 4:54am by Lieutenant Commander Hermia O'Rourke & Titania (Nee' Jarot) O'Rourke MD PhD
Edited on on Tue Jul 3rd, 2018 @ 4:58am

1,494 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Episode 3 - Weary Travellers
Location: Cafe DeVille, Promenade, Empok Nor
Timeline: MD002 1300 hrs

Titania made her way along Promenade towards the Cafe' DeVille, the place where she was to meet her daughter. They hadn't seen each other in years due mostly to Hermia's career and Seamus' stubbornness. She had attempted to serve as mediator many times, with unsatisfactory results. When she arrived at the Cafe', Hermia was already waiting.

Hermia hadn't seen her mother in person, in years, though they had communicated over subspace semi-regularly. "Hello, Mother what a pleasant surprise." Hermia said. "What brings you to the station?"

"Let's have a seat first. There is a lot to tell and we shouldn't do it standing or on an empty stomach." Titania said giving her daughter a warm smile. They each took a seat at a nearby table. "Hermia, before I get into all of my news I want to hear all about your new posting. How is the Pioneer, and her Captain, her crew all about it."

"Captain Malbrooke appears to be a good man. I haven't met many of the crew, but those I have met, seem nice. My boss, Dr. Ballston get along well, which is a bonus. As for the Pioneer, it reminds me of my first assignment, as it is an Intrepid, like the Jonathon Swift. I've spent more time on leave, than I have onboard, but it is good to be out exploring the Universe again." She said with a smile.

"At least a mother's worry can be put to rest knowing that you are safe on the station from time to time." Titania smiled, and then she sighed deeply as the weight of what she had to say took hold of her. "I have good news, and I have some bad news. Which would you like to hear first?"

"You know me, Mum, I like to get the bad news out of the way, before the good news." Hermia said sensing her mother's unease.

"I have decided to separate and leave your father." Titania said matter of factly. "Now, now, before you start asking questions. There is more, your ex husband has been taken into custody." Titania was filled with mixed emotions, she missed her husband, but knew that the separation was for the best. However, she was also quite saddened for Helena because she would not see her father again. She tried with all of her might to conceal these emotions from her daughter, knowing that Hermia was an empath.

Hermia couldn't hide her happiness that her son-of-a-b**ch ex was in jail. Her mood changed at a single thought. "Where's Helena, the court didn't give her to my ex in-laws, did they?"

"And there is the good news. They in fact did not give Helena to his parents. They gave her to me, she is right now in the station settling in." Titania had a broad smile at the coup that she had arranged for her daughter. "I must admit that I am a little sad for her, as she will most likely never see her father again."

'She's here?" Hermia asked in disbelief. She had started to think she would never see her daughter again. A maelstrom of emotions built up inside her.

"Yes... I was awarded custody and since I am moving here to Empok Nor, she is here too. You will be able to see her whenever you are at the station." Titania smiled broadly at her daughter she was overjoyed that she could do this for her. When the server came Titania ordered a cup of coffee and then continued to speak. "I left your father, that is the other piece of bad news that I have to share."

"He finally push you too far?" Hermia asked. Her and her father had never seen eye to eye. He had refused to speak with her, when she chose 'Fleet over the Corps. She'd never felt anything from him but disapproval.

"Yes, I got sick and tired of the way he treated you. He also has begun to take out his issues on me. He is a hard man, love him, but I just can't take it anymore." Titania paused in her speech as the coffee came and she sipped it. "I love him, and I miss him."

"I understand, Mum, but its for the best, perhaps some time apart, will get him to change his ways." Hermia said. Though she wouldn't put money on it.

"I hope so..." But I don't think so little one, Titania thought at her daughter. "Well, we are housed on the habitat ring and Helena is looking forward to starting school here on the station. She also would like to see the Pioneer, that is if her mum can get her a tour." She added with a smile.

"I'll see what I can swing with the CO." Hermia said. Her smile was wide and she was genuinely happy, but also a little anxious about meeting Helena again.

"I am sure that she will be overjoyed to simply see you. But the tour would be an added bonus. She is rather proud of her mum in Starfleet. She tells all of her friends about it." Titania added.

Hermia was overjoyed to hear this and couldn't help the tears appearing in the corners of her eyes.

The tone in Titania's voice changed into more of the concerned motherly tone. "So, I hope that starship of yours isn't getting into too much danger. Is there anyone, I mean with the ex now gone for a very long time. I just thought that perhaps you met someone."

"Not yet, still looking, I'm afraid." Hermia said. "So, what are you going to do on the station, while Helena's at school?" She asked.

"You know, I haven't thought about that. Perhaps I will open a private practice, I am sure there are enough patients to go around here. I am sure I will find something to keep me busy. So I wouldn't worry if I were you." Titania said with a smile, the truth was she was kind of worried about what she would do, she wasn't entirely sure that she wanted to go into practice. The idea of starting a new life this far away from everything that she knew was daunting.

"I'm not worried, just curious." Hermia replied. "The station doesn't have an assigned counsellor, perhaps you could apply for that job." She half-joked.

"That may not be a bad idea, but I am a little too old to go through the whole process of Starfleet training. However, I may just go have a chat with Dr Abernathy. Maybe I will just go chat with your Captain and get assigned to the Pioneer." Titania laughed "Wouldn't that be something?"

Hermia laughed too. "I don't think the Pioneer is ready for two O'Rourke women." She said.

"Perhaps not" Titania sipped her coffee again. "Besides it would not be the best place for Helena anyway. Judging by the short time that I have been here. It seems that the Cardassians are accepting the Federation rather easily. I wonder if they will join."

"I don't think so, they probably fear losing their identity, as they did within the Dominion." Hermia replied. "There are also Cardassian groups that appose the current government's close relations with the Federation."

"Well one does not see that here at least. Although I am curious why there is a Starfleet officer in charge of this station and not a Cardassian officer. Isn't this supposed to be a Cardassian installation? It just seems odd is all." Titania replied, if she did not know any better she would have thought that the Federation wanted the Cardassians to think that they had given up to the Federation.

"I believe it is a project to see how well Starfleet and Cardassian Defense Forces can work together. I presume the CO is Starfleet, because the station attends to mostly Starfleet vessels." Hermia said. "I'm only a doctor, so my presumptions may not be correct."

"It is the doctors who are the last to know anything. But it is also we who are the first to pick up the pieces of their mistakes." Titania said sagely.

"That does appear to be our lot in life." Hermia agreed. "But my Marine training has allowed me to prevent mistakes on occasion." She added remembering knocking out an incompetent officer on an away mission, defending her OR against True Way terrorists, and saving herself and a freighter captain, by escaping the critically damaged freighter, they were travelling on, in a storage container.

"That's my girl..." Titania replied. The two spent hours catching up and discussing the future of the O'Rourke women, all three of them.

A Joint Post By

Lieutenant Hermia O'Rourke
Assistant Chief Medical Officer, USS Pioneer

Titania O'Rourke
Civilian Counselor, Empok Nor


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