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How the Mighty Have Fallen

Posted on Wed May 22nd, 2019 @ 8:27pm by Commodore Tyler Malbrooke
Edited on on Wed May 22nd, 2019 @ 9:00pm

1,341 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Episode 6 - Old Habits Die Hard
Location: Captain's Ready Room - USS Pioneer Deck 1
Timeline: MD006 1100 hrs

Richard winced a little as he came to a full stop in from of the Ready Room door. His hair was a bit more disheveled than usual and his uniform lacked that freshly pressed appearance he typically tried so hard to keep. Around his left knee was a forcefield enhanced brace to steady the knee and he managed a pair of crutches that looked more like a twentieth-century medical device than they probably should. Around his neck was the satchel he had gone to using while moving about, it was better than trying to handle PaDDs and handles at the same time. His blue eyes still sparkled and the ever-present smile remained a fixture in spite of his current condition.

The Azzian drew in a deep breath and then chucked to himself as he pressed the door chime and waited for his superior on the other side to answer.

Tyler ran a hand through his hair and bounced a ball against the wall of his ready room. This was an affectation that he had whenever he was deep in thought. The door chime snapped him out of it. "Come on in..." With the ship under repair Tyler was hard pressed to figure out who was on the other side of that door.

Richard stepped a foot forward to activate the door and swung his weight forward as the doorway opened allowing his entrance. The man inside was a familiar sight and one he enjoyed. having a good relationship with the command he never feared a meeting with them.

He smiled at Tyler and nodded as he came to a stop and drew in a breath, "I have the report on the Medical's readiness Captain and barring the CMO I think the department is in great shape."

"Well that is certainly some good news and this ship can use some of that. Sit, sit relax. Are you mending well?" Tyler retrieved some coffee from the replicator as he spoke.

Richard strode towards the offered chair without much hesitation but then took more careful movements as he prepared to sit and eased the affected leg down gently. "The knee is healing well Sir but my pride might take a bit longer to mend." He chuckled as he reached into his satchel and retrieved the PaDD containing the data, "It will probably be the last time I try the rock climbing program."

With the small talk out of the way for the time being Tyler turned the conversation to the matters at hand. "How is the crew taking the casualties? What kind of casualties do we have? Thankfully there has only been one death in this whole debacle." He passed a cup to his Chief Medical Officer and sat down to sip his own coffee. "Ahhhh, Janeway was so right." Tyler added with his eyes closed.

"Right about the drink," Richard questioned with a smile, "I'd say it is relaxing." He took a sip of the warm liquid and took a deep breath, "actually captain I would like to ask you a question regarding sickbay if I may?"

"What's on your mind Doc? My door and ears are always open. If it is a resupply that you are looking for I have already spoken to the QM at Empok Nor they will have all you need when we get there." Tyler spoke with a smile as he leaned back in his chair.

"Any chance that we can get the environmental controls to be on an additional backup system so we don't have an issue where I go hurling into harm's way during surgery again?" Richard said with a smile.

"Sounds like a great plan ask Elen to get someone on it..." Tyler's voice trailed off as he did not want to breach the next topic. However, something had to be said. "Richard you know that in the time you have been on the Pioneer I have always leveled with you. In return you have done the same. In that vein there is something that we need to talk about. And that is what is in store for all of us and the Pioneer."

"That is true sir," Richard said with a nod, "I take it you have something you want to say."

Tyler sipped the coffee and sighed deeply as he continued. "The Trivas System is bursting at the seams. The drums of war are beating and we are a prime target. Both the New Maquis and the Obsidian Order want us out. They will stop at nothing. Now during a war there are two types of people that are needed the most. The first are fighters and the other is doctors to keep the fighters moving."

Richard nodded, "Understood Captain." He paused for a moment and added, "this wouldn't be my first war and I will prepare my department for what to expect." He drew in a breath and added, "were you thinking of adding security to the medical area?"

"No not at this time. However, at least for the time being I would like you to concentrate souly on Sick Bay. Someone else will serve as Second Officer for the time being. I apologize, but I need you concentrating on the wounded and getting them back on their feet. I would also like you to liaise with your people. The Azzian Ambassador on the station, Cardassia would like to officially request Azzian assistance in this matter." Tyler sipped his coffee again and looked at the doctor with saddened eyes. The Captain knew this was not a reprimand, however, it felt like one.

Richard offered the Captain a faint smile, "Understood sir, I have been too involved with my own work to be much use of you in command I will speak to the Azzian Ambassador, I am sure she will be willing to meet with and offer what assistance they can to the Cardassians."

Tyler smiled back, Richard was one of the few officers on this ship that had been through it all with Tyler since the beginning. The Captain truly appreciated it, and he knew he would rely on the doctor now more then ever. "Glinn Kalim and Gul Markuul will want to meet with her. The Gul will be at the station a day after we arrive." Tyler sipped his coffee. "Richard I want you to know that this is not a punishment. I need to get my people where I most need them with the coming storm. Trust me you will have your hands full."

"I will see what I can do Captain," Richard said with a nod and a smile, "Gov’ Had’bo Doni’sal Ve’hassi has been looking for a way to set up a proper dialog with the Cardassians but she's on the other side of the wormhole at the moment."

"Perhaps Ambassador Lei’hallah Ve’hassi can lay the ground work. I think the sooner this gets done the better off we all will be. It seems that Cardassia has few allies right now. Which means by extension we have few allies. I think it would also serve to help the Azzian application to the Federation." Tyler spoke in earnest as he sipped his coffee. The Azzians were distant, more so than the Romulans. If Richard could bring them into the fold that would be a big coup.

Richard nodded and his smile faded from his face, "I will talk to Lie'halla Captain. I know on her part she will do whatever she can to smooth relations but the two governments are oil and water right now." He chuckled and nodded at his superior, "if we can get them to talk for five minutes without wanting to cut each other's throats it will be quite a victory."

A Joint Post By

Lieutenant Commander Richard Ballston M.D. PsyD
Chief Medical Officer, USS Pioneer

Captain Tyler Malbrooke
Commanding Officer, USS Pioneer


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